Tuesday 10 September 2013

2013-04. Weak job market

In today's Financial Post (available in the Peters Building) there is an article on the job market in Canada.
One way to get a handle of how the job market will perform is through a survey, The article reports the results of a Manpower Canada Survey. "Of the 1,900 Canadian firms polled,
  • 74% said they expect to keep staffing at current levels between October and December [...]
  • 8% plan to cut staff [...]
  • 16% responded they plan to increase payrolls [...]
  • 2% have yet to decide either way."
So there is a small upward trend but three quarters of the firms are not planning to do anything.

The VP of Manpower Canada says the reasons for poor labour market situation are:
  • poor productivity
  • a skills mismatch
  • high labour costs
He suggests that the education system needs to be overhauled to ease the skills mismatch.
We will be talking about the labour market in chapter 7 and 8.

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