Monday 21 October 2019

2019-18 Automation, AI and job loss

This Globe and Mail article describes the changes in labour demand at financial institutions in Canada. With the help of AI, many routine jobs are being eliminated.

AI and robotics will define job demand in the 21st century. You can find a lot of information here.

I the past there were waves of enormous labour market changes: from agriculture to manufacturing, and then from manufacturing to services. Each time economists worried that the massive job destruction due to technological progress will lead to mass unemployment. This has not happened, for two reasons: new jobs were created at pace sufficient to absorb people who lost their previous employment, and working hours declined.

Is this time different? It is difficult to say, but possibly yes.
AI and robotics are very versatile technologies. They may lead to a great disruption in the labour market, and it is difficult to see what jobs will be created. Creating large numbers of new jobs that cannot be done by computers and robots is a challenge.
In addition, the trend to shorter working hours seems to have stopped.

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