Monday 19 November 2018

2018-19 China Rules

There is a cycle of articles in the New York Times on the growth of China. Today's article shows how fast it grew, and makes a point that the US dream: becoming well of even when born poor - is more likely in China than in the US.
The comparisons below use exchange rates. If we used PPP exchange rates, the picture would be a bit different

Income per capita, PPP exchange rates
US:     $59 500
China: $16 700
Income per capita, Nominal exchange rates
US:     $59500
China  $  8800

Where we stand with the Chinese opportunity:
Proportion of exports: biggest customer and China
Canada           US 77%, China 4.3%
Finland Germany 14%, China 5.7%
Australia:  China 33.5%
Germany:        US 8.8%, China 6.8%
UK:              US 13.2%, China 4.8%
US:        Canada 18.3%, China 8.4%

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