Thursday 6 September 2018

2018-02 More on Argentina

So Argentina is a mess. Not the first time:

Search: How did Argentina pull off a 100-year bond sale?

The fragments below are  from the article (published in FT, June 20, 2017)

Argentina has defaulted on its sovereign debt eight times since independence in 1816, spectacularly so in 2001 on $100bn of bonds — at the time the world’s largest default — and most recently in 2014

A year ago future looked bright

[...]Mr Macri’s government “cured” the latest default in 2016, and times have changed, said Joe Harper, a partner at Explorador Capital Management, an investment fund focused on Latin America. “The policy pendulum in Argentina has shifted to the centre, and the country’s next 100 years will be very different than the last century.”

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